Bad things happen to good people every day. We know that. We also know that making a real commitment to preventing those bad things can make a difference.
Shamrock is committed to preventing those bad things. The first day as a Shamrock employee begins with safety training:
Working hard, achieving our goals are things we all strive to achieve but getting home safely and enjoying family, friends and life itself is why we’re really here.
Bad things happen to good people every day. We know that. We also know that making a real commitment to preventing those bad things can make a difference.
Shamrock is committed to preventing those bad things. The first day as a Shamrock employee begins with safety training:
- All field personnel are required to have First Aid, CPR and OSHA certification or we put them through the training
- Safety equipment is issued day one and required
- Weekly tool box talks and safety audits are required for every job
- Rules are enforced using appropriate discipline
- On-going training is required of all personnel
Working hard, achieving our goals are things we all strive to achieve but getting home safely and enjoying family, friends and life itself is why we’re really here.